Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Judging classmates Blog

I like my classmate’s article about the gang violence in el Salvador it was very informative about the situation happening there. I also like the layout of his blogs he includes pictures and a very nice font, in my eyes this makes the blog easier to read and lessens the chances of me just looking away. The blog is filled with my classmates opinions as well as some facts about hoe life is over there to show how crappy of a place it is. You said that Salvadorans leave their country not because they want to but because they have to because their country has little economic opportunities. A question I have for this that was not addressed in the original blog, is it the poor side of those people fleeing or are the quote unquote rich people also being affected by the gangs or are they okay?

Monday, November 7, 2016

Austin, Texas Bag ban its a start

     I like the plastic bag ban law that is in place in Austin and I personally have been affected by it as well. I like the whole idea of trying to reduce plastic bags in landfills by making a law that bans stores in Austin from supplying free plastic bags for their customers there in turn make the customers bring their own bags preferably bags that they can use over and over again. Well it turns out according to cnsnews the bag ban had some unforeseen repercussions like people forgetting their reusable bags ‘who would have thought people forget things’ because of this people end up buying the bigger thicker bags with handles at the stores, that take even longer to decompose than the original plastic bags. Even though this is true I feel like what Austin did is a step in the right direction. By forcing a change this big people will eventually get the hang of remembering their reusable bags. Austin should post more advertising about remembering reusable bags and I’m sure eventually people will get it like myself I at first forgot but now I carry bags in the trunk of my car. I have seen the good effects the bag ban has had in surrounding areas where I live for one I see less and close to none plastic bags flying around the sides of the roads near big box stores. It is obvious that the bag ban has done great things here In Austin there are drawbacks like customers nagging and complaining about having to carry things without a bag but it is necessary in order to move forward in reducing waste.