Friday, December 16, 2016

Blog stage 8 commenting on a peers work

I'm commenting on Siavash blog about Austin extending the metro system. I do like the way he list out the reasons why extending it would benefit more of the Austin city residents especially the ones living in the outskirts of the city. I also like how he gives the reason that using the metro options beat out buying or leasing a car. When my family still lived in Austin my mom used to take buses everywhere because we couldn't afford a car, i believe that their are families out there like my family that would benefit from a extended metro system. I do The metro system is a great transportation solution for a city like a Austin so i do agree with my classmates standing on this. The only thing i would like my classmate to include is how much would it cost to improve the metro system to the outskirts of the city.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Bag Ban V2

In this blog I will still be talking about the Austin bag ban law. But this time I will talk more about the problems the bag ban has brought up like customers having to buy thicker bigger bags if they bought a lot of things. Then those bags take longer than regular plastic bags to decompose when the people buying them inevitably throw them away. Ima list out the other things that have happened since the introduction of the bag ban 1st the bag ban has made working in retail especially as a cashier a hellish nightmare especially when dealing with that one customer that must have a bag for their 2 items or that one customer that just doesn’t understand why we don’t have bags like seriously read a paper or google it while you walk out. Another effect the bag ban has caused is that instead of landfills being filled with plastic bags they are now finding more reusable bags in the landfills instead according to kxan news. Now to simply fix that people should re-use the bag they bought this helps them in two ways first you’re not throwing your money away and believe it or not those cents you waste buying them do add up over time. Secondly they help their environment and I hope I don’t need to explain why keeping your environment clean and why lowering waste is good for you.